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That idiot Rai's corner
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"Cosplay is nice..."

- Rai -

Some general information about the site, (especially our new update schedule ^^) about us and our characters (including their proper spelling and guild affiliations, to identify pretenders) and pretty much everything regarding the Midgard Ranter. (^^)

Site Information


The Midgard Ranter is, as its name implies, a sort of personal rantsheet for us. We take all our experiences - good, bad and silly - and express our opinions and observations about them. The fact that simple text rants, especially long ones, are seldom read (or even noticed) by a majority of people leads us to find a way to get the message out; comic strips.. The editorial cartoon has always been the simplest way to get the point across with but a single picture, and comic strips have always been a staple of traditional entertainment, and so here we are. (^_^)

If the Rants section is the opinion section of the newspaper, to expound on the analogy, then Rai's Corner is the Entertainment section / the Funnies. (^^) You won't find any useful messages or otherwise enlightening comic strips in here; just pure silliness. Be prepared to lose a few IQ points if you decide to go in there. =^^=

The "Ask Ate Raspberry" advice column hasn't been seeing much use, so we didn't create a separate section to house it. If we do receive letters, we'll place the replies in the Rants section.

If you do wish to ask RO-related questions or advice, be they technical, personal or philosophical, please send your queries to:

Ask Ate Raspberry / Ask Lola Rei

Raspberry/Rei will reply to your letter within a week, and Rai or Launce will post it within the same period. (^_^)

Our update periods are a bit erratic. Launce is usually busy with work, Rai is trying to juggle five or six different projects at once and Raspberry doesn't know HTML from a cheeseburger. (and is too busy to learn ^^; ) Expect an update probably two or three times a month. (Although it could be more often if Rai experiences a bout of creativity. ^^)


Our Characters

Schwarzenegger (Loki, Inactive)

Launce's Priest on Loki. Ever since Fenrir server came up, we've all transferred and set up permanent residence here. (Most of our Loki guild either moved over with us or quit RO entirely)

His new character is Leaves of Spring, a Daggersin with the Shadowlords. (Pic to follow when he updates the site. =^^=)

Primary Stat: Vit
Notable Traits:
Can withstand loads of damage

Masamune Rai (Chaos, Loki, Fenrir - Fenrir Active)

My ever-evolving Bishie Blacksmith, who is currently on Stat Build Version 7.0. That's the main reason I don't level him up much - Raspberry, her sister Strawberry and I work on various other test subjects and do some hands-on-research before taking the next step in the levelling rung. (^^)

Now that we've gotten extensive readouts, (courtesy of Masamuneko, Murasame Rei and the 2 Rai Prototypes) I'm ready to make my way to Level 99. =^_^=

Primary Stat: Str
Notable Traits:
Can dish out tons of damage in a short amount of time. Uses skill combos.

Raspberry Heaven (Loki, Inactive), Raspberry-Heaven (Fenrir, Acrive)

Our resident advice columnist. She has evolved from being an Assholyte to a Psycholyte. For evidence of this, watch her switch personalities as she switches headgears, or perform off-the-wall tricks with her Decrease Agility and Lex Divina 10. (^^) She is a happy member of Alpha Numbers. (And yes, I fleshbot for her sometimes. ^^;)

Primary Stat: Dex
Notable Traits:
Fast-casting. Loves to annoy enemy Ranged attackers and magic-users.

Murasame Rei (Chaos, Fenrir - Fenrir Active)

Raspberry's former primary character. Her sister Strawberry and I have been the ones playing her lately, levelling her all the way up to 99. (^^) She is a proud member and the war leader of the Shadowmaidens on Fenrir. (Incidentally, her character build was V.5.3 of our Blacksmith Evolution Project. =^^=)

Primary Stat: Str
Notable Traits:
Can spam a nearly-infinite succession of skills without stopping to recharge SP. VPN allows her to play from Taiwan or Hong Kong at certain times of the day.


'Ragnarok Online' and 'Arcturus: The Curse and Loss of Divinity' are registered trademarks of Gravity Corp., and all sprites and images used to make the comics are copyright of the same. Their use here without permission is not a challenge of ownership, but is for the purpose of entertainment of fans of Ragnarok Online.